I'm getting ready to turn Fred (my laptop) off, and put him in my car for the trip home. I'm going to spend the weekend there. I'm attending a friend's wedding (not depressing) and attending a coming home party for a beloved friend Jackie. She goes to TU with John-Paul, and we normally hang out all the time, but last semester she was in London. Can't wait to have her back!!
She's having a party for "the group." (John-Paul's friends since like the 4th grade. They are all really close) I'm making a cake. I'm going to decorate it with a monet painting. I'll post pics when I get back to Tulsa on Monday. So excited!!!
Have a great weekend yourself!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
John-Paul got to Denver Sunday afternoon. I'm missing him a lot. Even though the past few months were pretty hard in our relationship, I miss him so much. I thought I would be ok, but I've kinda been a mess.
I've been doing a lot of reading and journaling. I walked to church on Sat. and Sun. It was nice. It was cloudy, but I made it without getting rained on.
I was hoping someone would invite me to some sort of cookout for Monday, but that didn't happen. The Nazarene Pastor is having the church over for a cookout in 2 weeks. So, it just didn't happen when I wanted it to.
I was really lonely, so I called my friend Rachel Sunday night. She graduated from OSU from the hort dept a year before I did. So, we got together and talked about plants and life in general. She's super busy, and i'm just bumming around for awhile.
I was determined to make it through the day today, but I finally broke down and called the only other person in Tulsa that I consider a friend. The sweet lady from the Nazarene church, Rhonda. We went over to her friend's house and had the most wonderful dinner. Grilled pork loin and home made ice cream. It was the most amazing homemade ice cream I have EVER had!! it was so good, it didn't need anythign chocolate in it. I don't like plain vanilla ice cream, but man!! *drooling thinking about the ice cream*
I'm going to go to bed, so I can get plenty of beauty sleep. I have my interview at the temp agency in the morning. I pray I get a job, I'm going to go batty just sitting around my house for much longer!!
Dana Marie
I've been doing a lot of reading and journaling. I walked to church on Sat. and Sun. It was nice. It was cloudy, but I made it without getting rained on.
I was hoping someone would invite me to some sort of cookout for Monday, but that didn't happen. The Nazarene Pastor is having the church over for a cookout in 2 weeks. So, it just didn't happen when I wanted it to.
I was really lonely, so I called my friend Rachel Sunday night. She graduated from OSU from the hort dept a year before I did. So, we got together and talked about plants and life in general. She's super busy, and i'm just bumming around for awhile.
I was determined to make it through the day today, but I finally broke down and called the only other person in Tulsa that I consider a friend. The sweet lady from the Nazarene church, Rhonda. We went over to her friend's house and had the most wonderful dinner. Grilled pork loin and home made ice cream. It was the most amazing homemade ice cream I have EVER had!! it was so good, it didn't need anythign chocolate in it. I don't like plain vanilla ice cream, but man!! *drooling thinking about the ice cream*
I'm going to go to bed, so I can get plenty of beauty sleep. I have my interview at the temp agency in the morning. I pray I get a job, I'm going to go batty just sitting around my house for much longer!!
Dana Marie
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pictures of me, John-Paul and My house!
Here are some pictures so you can see some of my world. I really thought I had posted pictures of my house. Thanks Arin for pointing out I hadn't. Maybe some day everyone can come visit!
Crazy or just misguided?
So, in the midst of huge changes in my life I find myself totally crazy, I'm trying to tell myself I just don't have a plan so I'm misguided. I'm one who likes to have a plan. God's really teaching me that He's got the script and He'll show me the pages as we shoot the scenes. Right now I just wish I knew where the next scene was going to take place, or maybe even who the main characters will be would be nice.
I met with the pastor of the Nazarene Church yesterday afternoon. He's the interim pastor. He's got a job as a executive trainer, meaning he helps people get promotions. In the midst of my fear yesterday, I remembered him. So, I gave him a call.
In spite of the fact there are so many unanswered questions, of one thing I'm sure. God is and He cares. If He didn't care, I wouldn't have had any one to turn to in these scary times. I realized how blessed I am to have so many people who love and support me. It's amazing, really awesome. People I barely know are reaching out and really embracing me.
He helped me form a short term plan. Like super short term. Today, we planned today. I was to go to a temp agency. Part of my fear was not knowing where to go. He gave me a suggestion of where to go. So, I got up and went. I filled out a buncha forms and they told me to come back next week for an interview lol. So, I didn't accomplish much, but the wheel was set rolling.
I took the Mardel gift card I got from the Chickasha Nazarene church, and went shopping for some encouraging books. I love mardel's, it's a Christian books store. i asked if they had any openings and they are looking for part-time cashiers so I got an application. Maybe a baby step for a bright new future.
On a happy note, one of the people I interviewed with on Monday went to a conference with the 4-H educators I worked with last summer. So, they asked him what he thought, and he said he couldn't say much because there were still more applicants to interview, but I was one of the stronger candidates. So maybe all is not lost.
God is and He cares. (that's the mantra the pastor kept telling me, I get it in the brain, trying to engrave it on the heart)
Much love to you, and may your dreams be coming true!
I met with the pastor of the Nazarene Church yesterday afternoon. He's the interim pastor. He's got a job as a executive trainer, meaning he helps people get promotions. In the midst of my fear yesterday, I remembered him. So, I gave him a call.
In spite of the fact there are so many unanswered questions, of one thing I'm sure. God is and He cares. If He didn't care, I wouldn't have had any one to turn to in these scary times. I realized how blessed I am to have so many people who love and support me. It's amazing, really awesome. People I barely know are reaching out and really embracing me.
He helped me form a short term plan. Like super short term. Today, we planned today. I was to go to a temp agency. Part of my fear was not knowing where to go. He gave me a suggestion of where to go. So, I got up and went. I filled out a buncha forms and they told me to come back next week for an interview lol. So, I didn't accomplish much, but the wheel was set rolling.
I took the Mardel gift card I got from the Chickasha Nazarene church, and went shopping for some encouraging books. I love mardel's, it's a Christian books store. i asked if they had any openings and they are looking for part-time cashiers so I got an application. Maybe a baby step for a bright new future.
On a happy note, one of the people I interviewed with on Monday went to a conference with the 4-H educators I worked with last summer. So, they asked him what he thought, and he said he couldn't say much because there were still more applicants to interview, but I was one of the stronger candidates. So maybe all is not lost.
God is and He cares. (that's the mantra the pastor kept telling me, I get it in the brain, trying to engrave it on the heart)
Much love to you, and may your dreams be coming true!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Frozen by fear
So, I know I need to find a job. Really, I understand this. I just can't do it.
I've got all the paperwork saved to go down to the temp agency. Just gotta print it off, well take my zip drive to kinkos and get it printed off. I've also scoped out some help wanted signs around my house.
I can't get out of my house to chase down the leads. I'm just crying and crying instead. I know that God won't lead the right job to me if I'm just sitting on my duff, but i really can't make myself move. Fear is awful. Please pray for me.
On a happy note, John-Paul came to visit. He is racing today at Hallett. One of the guys he met at his internship last year gets some of his friends together and rents out the track for a day. He's really excited. He came in last night and we went to eat a quaint little Italian place. He's going to come back and stay one more night, before he goes to Denver. *sighs* it's looking like it will be a long summer.
I've got all the paperwork saved to go down to the temp agency. Just gotta print it off, well take my zip drive to kinkos and get it printed off. I've also scoped out some help wanted signs around my house.
I can't get out of my house to chase down the leads. I'm just crying and crying instead. I know that God won't lead the right job to me if I'm just sitting on my duff, but i really can't make myself move. Fear is awful. Please pray for me.
On a happy note, John-Paul came to visit. He is racing today at Hallett. One of the guys he met at his internship last year gets some of his friends together and rents out the track for a day. He's really excited. He came in last night and we went to eat a quaint little Italian place. He's going to come back and stay one more night, before he goes to Denver. *sighs* it's looking like it will be a long summer.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Fun Quiz
The rules are simple:
1. Go to http://www.flickr.com/.
2. Type your answer to each question in the “search” box.
3. Using only the first page, pick an image.
4. Copy and paste the picture into your blog.
What is your first name?

What's your favorite food?

What high school did you go to?

What's your favorite color?
(item and color!!!)
Who is your celebrity crush?
(Fernando Alonso- F1 Driver)
What is your favorite drink?

What's your dream vacation?
What is your favorite dessert?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is your favorite indulgence?

What do you love the most?

I noticed that i put a lot of chocolate in here, guess it's obvious that's something that I really like!
1. Go to http://www.flickr.com/.
2. Type your answer to each question in the “search” box.
3. Using only the first page, pick an image.
4. Copy and paste the picture into your blog.
What is your first name?
What's your favorite food?
What high school did you go to?
What's your favorite color?
Who is your celebrity crush?
What is your favorite drink?
What's your dream vacation?
What do you love the most?
I noticed that i put a lot of chocolate in here, guess it's obvious that's something that I really like!
So, last week I didn't have to "work" but I tried very hard to be prepared for my interview. I went all over talking to all sorts of people getting ideas. After my interview today, I realize I didn't spend as much time on my presentation as I should have.
It didn't go well, but I can't change that. I guess now I'm waiting again. They said they are interviewing some more people. They are hoping that they can find someone to fill the position by JULY 1st. So, I'm going to a temp agency to see if I can get something for awhile, and who knows how God can work through that.
I did get to spend time with friends and family. I got to see Kinsley. She's growing. I'm an awful person and didn't take any pictures. I got to see one of my wonderful cousins. It was so great to catch up after so many years.
I don't know what the future brings in any area of my life, but it's in God's hands. I just can't try to take it out of His hands.
It didn't go well, but I can't change that. I guess now I'm waiting again. They said they are interviewing some more people. They are hoping that they can find someone to fill the position by JULY 1st. So, I'm going to a temp agency to see if I can get something for awhile, and who knows how God can work through that.
I did get to spend time with friends and family. I got to see Kinsley. She's growing. I'm an awful person and didn't take any pictures. I got to see one of my wonderful cousins. It was so great to catch up after so many years.
I don't know what the future brings in any area of my life, but it's in God's hands. I just can't try to take it out of His hands.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It's offical...
So, it's official I'm unemployed. Friday was my last day of work. I'm looking forward to going home next week to see friends and family, and preparing for my intensely insane interview. God is so amazing. I can't wait to see what HE has in store for me!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I got another interview!!
I called today to check on the status of setting up an interview on campus. I'll be interviewing there on may 19th. So, I'll have a weeks "vacation" before then.
I'm excited to go home and see my niece, and the Clift's twins (a couple from church), and I'm super excited to see one of my beautiful cousins who will be visiting!!
I got an itinerary for the interview, and I'll be there from 1-5!! I have to interview separately with several people, and present a lesson.
I'm sooo excited to see all the things God has in store for me. If this job isn't it, it's because HE has something better. I don't know what I'd be more excited about, so I'm hoping this is it!!
I'm excited to go home and see my niece, and the Clift's twins (a couple from church), and I'm super excited to see one of my beautiful cousins who will be visiting!!
I got an itinerary for the interview, and I'll be there from 1-5!! I have to interview separately with several people, and present a lesson.
I'm sooo excited to see all the things God has in store for me. If this job isn't it, it's because HE has something better. I don't know what I'd be more excited about, so I'm hoping this is it!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
God's so amazing!
Well, so much has happened in last few days. I'm just rejoicing in God's abundant love.
I called the extension where I interned and the boss let me know what the job on campus was looking for. That whole day I was pondering on what he had told me, and thought how much I'd like that job, but if the county where I'd applied called I'd say yes to them because I just needed a job. Well, that afternoon I found out that they offered the position I applied for to someone else. I was a little sad, but excited that it opened me up for the 4-H/ Horticulture job on campus.
It seemed like everyone was telling me that I needed to find a job that would start right after I didn't have a job, but I felt that quiet voice in my heart telling me to be still and know HE is God. So I was praying that God would provide.
I was sad that John-Paul was going to leave me all alone here for the summer, because his finals were over, so I started praying that God would bring me friendship.
This weekend, I went to both the Seventh day adventist and the Nazarene church. At the SDA church, the women's ministry group is setting up a partnership program that pairs women up for spiritual encouragement. 2 different ladies invited me to sign up, so I am. I'm was excited that God was answering a prayer. Little did I know the love HE wanted to share with me
At the Nazarene church, I sat in a different place, and after service a lady I'd not met came up and told me she had seen me sitting alone and she invited me to sit with her next week, and if I was lonely that I should come visit her any time. She was lonely too. Wow! God's really awesome right?
Well, after that another little lady came up to ask about the job. I'd been keeping her updated about it for the past few weeks. I let her know that next Friday was my last day, but I had an interview so I was being still and seeing what God had in store for me. She grabbed my hand and said God would provide, and left some money in my hand. I tried to give it back, but she wouldn't take it.
I've been rejoicing ever since I got home that God so CLEARLY answered my prayers and said that He's been listening to me, and that He had it all under control. I don't know what exactly is in store, but I know as long as I keep my eyes on Him everything will be ok.
Even though the last few months have been hard, physically and emotionally, I wouldn't change it for anything. I've gotten so close to God. I've learned so many lessons about His love, care and mercy.
I just wanted to give God the glory for all the good things that He's doing in my life. It's only with His help will I get out of this valley I find myself in right now. I know the mountaintop He has planned will be greater than any that I could come up with myself!
Thanks for all your prayers for me. Even though I don't know very many people here, I've been blown away with all the support that I'm getting from friends and family from ALL over the country. I had no idea I was so loved, or important to so many people. What a blessing love from another is!! Thank you for that!
I called the extension where I interned and the boss let me know what the job on campus was looking for. That whole day I was pondering on what he had told me, and thought how much I'd like that job, but if the county where I'd applied called I'd say yes to them because I just needed a job. Well, that afternoon I found out that they offered the position I applied for to someone else. I was a little sad, but excited that it opened me up for the 4-H/ Horticulture job on campus.
It seemed like everyone was telling me that I needed to find a job that would start right after I didn't have a job, but I felt that quiet voice in my heart telling me to be still and know HE is God. So I was praying that God would provide.
I was sad that John-Paul was going to leave me all alone here for the summer, because his finals were over, so I started praying that God would bring me friendship.
This weekend, I went to both the Seventh day adventist and the Nazarene church. At the SDA church, the women's ministry group is setting up a partnership program that pairs women up for spiritual encouragement. 2 different ladies invited me to sign up, so I am. I'm was excited that God was answering a prayer. Little did I know the love HE wanted to share with me
At the Nazarene church, I sat in a different place, and after service a lady I'd not met came up and told me she had seen me sitting alone and she invited me to sit with her next week, and if I was lonely that I should come visit her any time. She was lonely too. Wow! God's really awesome right?
Well, after that another little lady came up to ask about the job. I'd been keeping her updated about it for the past few weeks. I let her know that next Friday was my last day, but I had an interview so I was being still and seeing what God had in store for me. She grabbed my hand and said God would provide, and left some money in my hand. I tried to give it back, but she wouldn't take it.
I've been rejoicing ever since I got home that God so CLEARLY answered my prayers and said that He's been listening to me, and that He had it all under control. I don't know what exactly is in store, but I know as long as I keep my eyes on Him everything will be ok.
Even though the last few months have been hard, physically and emotionally, I wouldn't change it for anything. I've gotten so close to God. I've learned so many lessons about His love, care and mercy.
I just wanted to give God the glory for all the good things that He's doing in my life. It's only with His help will I get out of this valley I find myself in right now. I know the mountaintop He has planned will be greater than any that I could come up with myself!
Thanks for all your prayers for me. Even though I don't know very many people here, I've been blown away with all the support that I'm getting from friends and family from ALL over the country. I had no idea I was so loved, or important to so many people. What a blessing love from another is!! Thank you for that!
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