So, here's little Kinsley. If she doesn't look like Bubba, I don't know who would. She's getting bigger.

So, there are 2 girls grabbing for the bouqet. I'm the one in beige. That other girl came out of no where!! I thought it was coming into my hands, and then outa nowhere, that other girl grabbed it seconds before it woulda been in my hands. I didn't cry, but I was really bummed. O well. I'm going to another wedding next week. I'll get it then lol!

This is the picture of the small part of the group in attendence of the first "group" wedding. John-Paul has been friends with the same core group of people since the 4th grade. There's about 10 people in "The Group." So, it was really sad that only 3 others (2 other guys were in it so they had to be in it lol) showed up for the wedding. O well. I guess we are growing up. (the groom is in the middle lol)

So, this is the cake that I made for Jackie's coming home party. After a semester in London, it seemed like a piece of art was the way to welcome her home. The original is below. Not exactly the same, but I think it looks pretty good considering I just used knives and spoons to swirl my sugar around instead of brushes and paint. It was such a joy to make a cake again. It is so fun to be creative, and it's great to eat the product!!

I came back to Tulsa to try to find a job. It was so hard to say that I was looking for a job when people would ask me what I was doing now. I spent a lot of time at the feed store, and saw a buncha people at the wedding. I felt like such a loser being unemployed, but I'm going to get a job! I know that God had something out there for me, I just have to move my feet to find it. I pray that I can find His path for me.
Isn't it funny that daughters can look like their dads and still be cute at the same time. She is cute I bet everyone is having fun with her!
I can't believe how much the baby looks like Matt! Crazy! Good job on the cake! You must have picked up that skill from your Aunt Linda! :)
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