Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Job update

I found out that I will only have a job until May 9th. It's a little worrisome. I haven't heard from the extension yet. It was 2 weeks since my interview last Monday.

On happy news, I applied for a job with the Department of Horticulture on OSU campus in Stillwater. It's a 4-H/ Horticulture extension assistant. I would be in charge of the 4-H horticulture program for the whole state. I got a call from them today, and they are interested in interviewing me, but it will be after May 12th. I have to get a lesson together to present, so they can see that I can teach. I haven't decided what I want to do it over, but I have time to put something together.

I've been getting a lot of support from the county where I interned last summer. They have been sending e-mails of support, and if they find out any information. I got a call from them today. The county director got a call about me from the Horticulture department about the other job I applied for. He wants me to call him tomorrow, so he can give me some pointers about the job.

I'm excited equally about both jobs, and both of them would be great. Both of them would start well after I don't have a job. So, I filled out an application for Lowes. I just need a job for a bit until I hear about the 2 jobs I really want. O the joy of waiting!

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